
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Homelessness Seems to Plague Me - The Back Story

Previous Posts on FaceBook re: Homelessness Redux:

September 14th:
Taking the week off from classes to prepare myself for the court appearance on Friday. I hope to have people there from the homeless community, as well as those in the agencies that provide services to the homeless. I'm also working on having media attention to this whole ordeal. Most people are ashamed when they are evicted, for whatever reason. I resolve to move through this situation with love and compassion for all involved (including myself). If anyone wants to come to court, it's in Longmont, between Main and Kimbark. The address is 1035 Kimbark and the time is 10 AM. I'd also love to hear from folks via phone, after Monday. My landline should be back on by 5 PM. The number is 303-485-3121. Would love some drop-in packing help, as well and I'm cooking up a storm, so there will be plenty of yummy, home-cooked food. Please note that I do not text, and I cannot be exposed to perfumes or tobacco, so if you smoke, give me a call for protocol. Hope to get to visit with some of you sweeties! "Onward thru the Fog." Oat Willie

September 12th:
I saw our version of legal aid here in Boulder County yesterday and I do have to go to court in Longmont next Friday, 9/19, at 10 AM. Even though I didn't get the 3 day notice posted on my door, the landlord did everything within the law. After the court date, a deputy sheriff comes by and posts a 48 hour notice to vacate. If I stay beyond that, a lawman can show up at anytime with Steve and his movers and take everything I own to the curb. It then becomes 'abandoned property.' People listen to police scanners and come and get stuff unless it's guarded. I will NOT be informed when this will happen, so I won't be able to leave the house, once the 48 hour notice is posted. I've been told different things by different people throughout this ordeal. I guess most people get evicted for non-payment of rent. I am holding over because I have no where to move to. I also am using this snippet of my own life to make a point about the lack of affordable and SAFE housing in Boulder County. There are many flood victims from the event one year ago today that are also in the situation I'm in. My home number is still not up, tho it was promised for yesterday. Because of the EI, my sensitivity to EMFs (Electro-Magnetic Fields) has become much more severe. I have a cell but am not using it much, but I am glad I had it last night for a conversation with an angel named Devon at the Ntl Suicide Hotline. I'm so NOT OK.

September 10th:
Court date set for the eviction hearing for Friday, 9/19 at 10 AM. I am asking that everyone simply petition Green Tara: "May the movement of this tribulation evolve into the highest outcome for ALL concerned." Thank you for your prayers. Please make them non-specific so the Universe can move in it's most magnificent expression.

September 3rd:
I'm pretty sure I'm staying in school, no matter what else happens. Woke up with that, but who knows what the day will bring. I'm managing a TON of anxiety, which gets worse as the day goes on...I did learn the exact steps in eviction and will be able to stay until at least Monday, 9/22. Move out has to be scheduled through the sheriff's department, and I won't be informed of the date and time. Someone will either show up or enter without me being here and set my possessions on the curb. It is then considered abandoned property. Lovely laws, eh? Crazy making...

September 2nd:
No landlord yet. I'm expecting a 3 day notice posted today. He then goes and gets a court date for a hearing. This is not an eviction for lack of rent payment, but me taking a stand to stay here as long as I possibly can. I started full time at Naropa again on 8/25 and the move-out was ordered for 8/31. I am attempting to buy time while I seek a safe house to move to. I have Environmental Illness (EI) and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and cannot land just anywhere without risking exposures that will make me much sicker. This move, combined with the stress of school is not something I'm handling very well in the psychological realm, either. I so appreciate suicide hotlines.

August 30th:
A waking dream at 3 AM...I'm trapped in a cheap hotel room and I am realizing that the room has recently been fumigated for bed bugs. There are no windows. The phone is dead. I cannot open the door. I realize I will die in here if no one can hear me. As I am pounding on the door and screaming in the dream, I wake up screaming. Crimson and I have packed the night before, and I stumble through my little home, realizing I will be leaving it by Sunday evening. I fall apart and manage to dial the National Suicide Hotline, folks who have walked me through a few dark nights in the past (800-273-8255). The counselor talks me down, listens for a good long while and then at a pause asks me this question: "Why, again, are you moving on Sunday?" 

"I have an 'Order to Vacate for that date," I respond.

"But you have no where to go, right? And you are disabled with the chemical sensitivities, the mental health issues and you mentioned nerve damage, right?"

She has me 'future pace' to Sunday evening, when everything is in storage and I'm moving to a hotel room for two night with my daughter. She leaves on Tuesday AM and I am not sure where I'll be Tuesday night, after a presentation at school. "What is your stress level, on a scale of 1 - 10?" she asks.

"About 110."

"So now think about staying in the house and beginning to work the agencies, getting help for the housing issues from the disability perspective. What is your stress level?"

"Around 7 or 8," I reply. It begins to dawn on me that I've always 'done the right thing' as a tenant, left each place better than I found it, made friends with my neighbors and the landlord, if possible. Gotten to know the place really well and enjoyed every place I've ever lived: loved and cared for it as if it were my own home - because it is. I start to consider the possibilities of staying, and wonder if I have the emotional fortitude for what will unfold...

I'm shutting down the move and barricading in my bedroom. (OK; this a little overly dramatic.) I'm not moving until someone physically moves me out of here. I am sick with EI and MCS. This is a safe house for me and I'm staying as long as I can. Thanks to all who offered to help move. It's all on hold. I'll update as we go...

August 29th:
No time to sit and call people. Just show up at 634 Kimbark Street in downtown Longmont on Sunday, 8/31. We should have the truck here by 10 at the latest. Cleaning out the fridge, so home-cooked food galore. Anyone want to join the adopt-a-plant program? If you want to call, it's 303-485-3121. I so appreciate the offers of help that I've had.

August 28th: 
Packing in progress...I need help over the weekend, if anyone wants to join in. I can pay. Loading the truck on Sunday. Pain levels so high I can hardly think, so won't be lifting anything. How did this happen?

August 26th: 
Looks like I'm going homeless again after 3 years in a safe house. Stuff goes to storage on 8/31 and I am adrift. Hum. Full time student at age 62 AND homeless?!? How much more can I stand?

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